Make your dream come true
Estimating the price of a mobile application is a difficult task, but we nailed it for you.
You will find bellow common packages ordered by our customers that give a very good estimation of the expected cost.
Beside, do not forget that the pricing is also dependent on your delivery expectations, a quicker delivery will mean a higher price
Finally, If your project have a good visibility or you have already something to start from (native or hybrid app already finished or almost finished), then a 50% price reduction is negotiable.
A bit of warning, there is a lot of Agency or free lance mobile app developer in Asia that would probably propose the moon for a cheaper price.
Think about it 2 times, quality, maintenance and costs that scale, are the keys for a successful mobile app, this is what we are providing and that kind of quality have a price.
And then do not take our words for it : Take a few minutes to evaluate your needs by using the app cost calculator provided by a US based competitor
On a final note, each contract have a associated NDA and your idea is safe with us.
Once the app is published, this is the beginning of your success story, we are backing you regarding any evolution, bug fix, enhancement that you might needs.
The maintenance prices, are differents for each projects and are tailor made depending on your needs.
As an estimation based on a real case, for a full year maintenance contract, including bug fix and improvement, we can propose a dedicated resource as low as 70K THB per month.
( effectively it will be 2 resources sharing their time during the month on your project to avoid people dependency, vacation, sickness etc …)
If you do not need that amount of work per month then the price will be per hour, based on the effective amount of work done by our team.
For custom apps/web development that do not fit in our packages our pricing structure is hourly/man based (From 250THB to 2500THB/per hour depending of the resource). This is the simplest way to deliver a fair price for all our customers, no matter what size the project you want to built is or the size of your company.
Grace aux compétences et a l'expérience de notre équipe, nous sommes en mesure d'avoir une très bonne approximation du temps nécessaire pour votre projet.
Nous sommes également en mesure de priorizer vos exigences et plannifier les versions à délivrer en conséquence.
This means that you can get your awesome looking and fast loading app quickly for a modest price,
mais aussi avoir un plan pour le développement en phase 2 ou 3,de toutes les caractéristiques qui font de votre site ou application un projet unique !
With decades of development and project planning, we can make sure that you’re going to get the right technology and the right framework to deliver the project of your dreams!
You need to have a mobile visibility(smart phone and tablet), you do not need a big interactivity.
Each function that need interactivity should be redirected to your web site.
Android app
Android tablet
iPhone iPod ios 6.0 to ios 9.x
Ipad and ipad pro compatible
Hosting on your servers
Hot push technology
Real time A/B testing
Real time analytics
Multi languages
Source code available privately
Real time project tracking.
Hybrid application without native plugins
You need a application front end for your core business. You already have a database backend, and you need to plug it to a E-commerce app.
Android app
Android tablet
iPhone iPod ios 6.0 to ios 9.x
Ipad and ipad pro compatible
Hosting on your servers
Hot push technology
Real time A/B testing
Real time analytics
Multi languages
Source code available privately
Real time project tracking.
Hybrid application WITH native plugins
Native Facebook integration
Native Paypal integration
Other native plugin on demand
Payment gateway integration
Automated testing of your core business
You do not have the back end
Neither the front end.
You have the idea and the means to develops it.
Android app
Android tablet
iPhone iPod ios 6.0 to ios 9.x
Ipad and ipad pro compatible
Hosting on your servers
Hot push technology
Real time A/B testing
Real time analytics
Multi languages
Source code available privately
Real time project tracking.
Hybrid application WITH native plugins
Native Facebook integration
Native Paypal integration
Any other native plugin
Payment gateway integration
Automated testing of your core business
Database backend integration
Back end application separated from the front end application
Back end web application
Rest API integration
Real time object bus (chat)
Nous vous aidons à accélérer votre site Web existant.
Revue du site Web pour s'assurer que l'optimisation est possible
Fusionner des fichiers de Cascading Style Sheet
Fusion des fichiers javascript
JS et CSS sont Minified et compressés
Optimisation de taille de polices de caractères
Réduction de la taille des images
Passer au réseau de distribution de contenu lorsque cela est approprié
LEs noms des fichers statiques incorpore un MD5 de facon a faire sauter le cache client
Si nécessaire transfert de votre site web pour une société d'hébergement plus rapide et moins cher (Amazon)
L'augmentation de la vitesse de votre site web est garantis parGoogle page insight
À l'exclusion de :